Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What Kind of Music Do You Prefer To Listen To?

What kind of music do you prefer to listen to? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Classical, Jazz, Soul, Rhythm and Blues, Rap, Opera, Mellow Music, Oldies But Goodies, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, Instrumentals, Reggae, Praise Songs, Kundiman, OPM, Mood Music

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla


Anonymous said...

You know what, I don't think I could ever choose. It all depends on the mood I'm in. AT the moment I am listening to Christmas songs, but I am going on holiday to the Caribbean soon which calls for a bit of reggae. But my favourite band of all time has to be the Beatles :)

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Penny,
Yes, I agree with you. Our choice of what music we want to listen to would be dictated by our moods. Thanks for your visit and comments. Von voyage on your Caribbean trip soon. Enjoy your pleasure cruise. God bless.

Anonymous said...

there are only three types of music that i won't listen to (at least i don't for the last 20 years) - jazz, anything 70's and heavy metal.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi sis Pia,
Heavy metal is of course very obnoxious and jazz can be boring but why don't you like the music of the 70s? There are many beautiful music of the 70s like music by Bread, Carpenters, Stylistics, Diana Ross, etc. Maybe not your type, he,he. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.

Terry said...

Dear Mel..I love Southern Gospel and I love the singing of the old hymns by the Christians where I go to worship the Lord at the Welland Gospel Hall.
God's blessings on you and have a blessed Lord's Day Mel....Christian love, Terry


Which One To Choose?

Click here for the answer



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